Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Political Influences of Constructivist Theory Essay

There are several political influences that underlie the constructivist curriculum theory. Before the 1900s, the principles of constructivism were not very well regarded because it was generally thought that classroom instruction should be rigid and that teachers should be the sole generator of knowledge and while student’s only task in the classroom is to absorb that knowledge (Kitchener, 1986). During the 1920’s, educators such as Jean Piaget and John Dewey, began calling for educational reforms to adapt more â€Å"democratic† curricula that make use of constructivist ideals (Kitchener, 1986). These people inspired political movements that called for a different approach to learning. These political influences prompted the establishment of organizations that sought to veer away from the traditional learning methods. One such organization which was formed is the National Council of Teachers in Mathematics (NCTM). The NCTM saw how traditional methods called â€Å"drill and kill† numbed student’s minds and made learning inapplicable to practical circumstances and began to launch political and educational movements intended to help teachers facilitate learning more effectively in the classroom (NCTM, 2008). However even at the present, constructivist educational reforms have yet to take root in American legislation. Still, there are instances when political will is raised by the public to find new ways to deliver quality education. One such instance was in the latest release of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) worldwide testing which showed that American students were performing poorly based on the world standards (AGI, 2008). This prompted movements that yet again called for a different approach to education outside of the traditional lecture methods. In 2002, the U. S. House Subcommittee on Education Reform introduced legislation that sought to overhaul the current research methods for deriving effective teaching practices and better explore constructivist approaches (AGI, 2008). This legislation is known as the Education Sciences Reform Act (AGI, 2008). In conclusion, it can be said that the constructivist curriculum is politically tied with the public’s desire to have better working educational models for their children. This want is what has driven movements to exist and call for government to address the problem.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Decline of Education and the Rise of Mediocrity

According to â€Å"A Nation at Risk†, the American education system has declined due to a â€Å"rising tide of mediocrity† in our schools. States such as New York have responded to the findings and recommendations of the report by implementing such strategies as the â€Å"Regents Action Plan† and the â€Å"New Compact for Learning†. In the early 1980†³s, President Regan ordered a national commission to study our education system. The findings of this commission were that, compared with other industrialized nations, our education system is grossly inadequate in meeting the standards of education that many other countries have developed. At one time, America was the world leader in technology, service, and industry, but overconfidence based on a historical belief in our superiority has caused our nation to fall behind the rapidly growing competitive market in the world with regard to education. The report in some respects is an unfair comparison of our education system, which does not have a national standard for goals, curriculum, or regulations, with other countries that do, but the findings nevertheless reflect the need for change. Our education system at this time is regulated by states which implement their own curriculum, set their own goals nd have their own requirements for teacher preparation. Combined with this is the fact that we have lowered our expectations in these areas, thus we are not providing an equal or quality education to all students across the country. The commission findings generated recommendations to improve the content of education and raise the standards of student achievement, particularly in testing, increase the time spent on education and provide incentives to encourage more individuals to enter the field of education as well as improving N. Y. State responded to these recommendations by first mplementing the Regents Action Plan; an eight year plan designed to raise the standards of education. This plan changed the requirements for graduation by raising the number of credits needed for graduation, raising the number of required core curriculum classes such as social studies, and introduced technology and computer science. The plan also introduced the Regents Minimum Competency Tests, which requires a student to pass tests in five major categories; math, science, reading, writing, and two areas of social studies. Although the plan achieved many of its goals in raising standards of education in N. Y. State, the general consensus is that we need to continue to improve our education system rather than being satisfied with the achievements Therefore, N. Y. adopted â€Å"The New Compact for Learning†. This plan is based on the principles that all children can learn. The focus of education should be on results and teachers should aim for mastery, not minimum competency. Education should be provided for all children and authority with accountability should be given to educators and success should be rewarded with necessary changes being made to reduce failures. This plan calls for curriculum to be devised n order to meet the needs of students so that they will be fully functional in society upon graduation, rather than just being able to graduate. Districts within the state have been given the authority to devise their own curriculum, but are held accountable by the state so that each district meets the states goals that have been established. Teachers are encouraged to challenge students to reach their full potential, rather than minimum competency. In this regard, tracking of students is being eliminated so that all students will be challenged, rather than just those who are gifted. Similarly, success hould be rewarded with recognition and incentives to further encourage progress for districts, teachers and students while others who are not as accomplished are provided remedial training or resources in order to help them achieve success. It is difficult to determine whether our country on the whole has responded to the concerns that â€Å"A Nation at Risk† presented. Clearly though, N. Y. State has taken measures over the last ten years to improve its own education system. In many respects the state has accomplished much of what it set out to do, but the need to continue to improve is still present. Certainly, if America is determined to regain its superiority in the world, education, the foundation of our future, needs to be priority number one. Teachers often develop academic expectations of students based on characteristics that are unrelated to academic progress. These expectations can affect the way educators present themselves toward the student, causing an alteration in the way our students learn, and thus causing an overall degeneration in the potential Expectations affect students in many ways, not just academically, but in the form of mental and social deprivation which causes a lack of self-esteem. When educators receive information about students, mostly even before the student walks into their classroom, from past test scores, IEP†s, and past teachers, it tends to alter the way we look at the students potential for growth. This foundation of expectation is then transformed on to our method of One basic fallout from these expectations is the amount of time educators spend in communicating with students. We tend to speak more directly to students who excel, talking in more matures tone of voice, treating them more like a grown-up than we do to the students who are already labeled underachievers. This can give the student an added incentive to either progress or regress due to the amount of As educators we tend to take the exceptional students â€Å"under our wing†. We tend to offer knowledge in situations to help push the good students, in comparison to moving on to the next task for the others. We also tend to critique the work of our god students more positively than the others, offering challenges to the answers they The most obvious characteristic that educators present to the students is in the area of body language and facial expression. We tend to present ourselves in a more professional manner to our good tudents, speaking more clearly and with a stronger tone of voice. We tend to stand more upright, in a more powerful stance, than to the slouching effect we give to the underachievers. The head shakes, glancing with our eyes, hand gestures, and posture all contribute to the way we look at certain students based on our first impressions which came before we even knew the student. One major way we can avoid these pitfalls and eliminate unfair expectations that help produce failure in our students is to restrict the past information on the students to a need to know basis. Instead f telling the teacher how the student did on past examinations, just present them with the curricula that the student must learn during the time they spend in that class. This enables the educator to formulate their own opinions of that student. Also, instead of doing the IEP meetings during the middle of the year, we should wait till the end of the semester to inform the educators of certain aspects of the student instead of giving them all the information earlier in the year. Finally, it is up to the educator himself to evaluate their own teaching methods to be able to recognize, and change, the way they resent themselves to the entire class. To be able to know what we are doing, and how we are doing it, at different times in the day is crucial to the aura we present to the students. Schools are often blamed for the ills of society, yet society has a major impact on our education system. The problems that schools are facing today are certainly connected to the problems that are society faces, including drugs, violence, and the changing of our family structure. There are many methods that schools have begun to use in order to deal with the problems they are faced with and still offer the best possible education to our youth. The use of drugs in the general population has become a very serious problem in society and within the school system. There are two aspects to drug use that teachers are having to deal with now. The first is in trying to teach the new generation of crack babies that are now entering the schools. These students have extremely low attention spans and can be very disruptive in class. Early intervention programs designed to target these children and focus on behavior management within the school setting have been effective in preparing these students for school. Educators have also identified rug use among students as one of the most significant problems that our schools face today. According to the text, the rate of drug use among students has declined in last few years, but recently there has been an increase in alcohol abuse among teenagers. Intervention programs such as APPLE, (a school based rehabilitation facility) have been implemented in many schools with the cooperation of school counselors and community agencies to treat drug using teenagers. Other programs, such as D. A. R. E have been implemented in many elementary schools to provide education about drugs to young students. Violence, both in society and in the school system has also been identified as a serious problem. The influx of weapons in schools creates a dangerous situation for teachers, administrators and other students. One remedy for this problem has been introduced in many public city schools; the use of metal detectors. While this method is not foolproof it does send the message that violence will not be tolerated in schools and that severe measures will be implemented in order to curb it. Educators are also being trained to identify those students who may be violent and to provide non-violent risis intervention. It is an undeniable fact that our society has a serious problem concerning violence and that the violence on the streets is certainly connected to the violence in the schools. It seems questionable that even these measures will significantly reduce the problem in schools, but certainly the process of teaching can continue in a less stressful atmosphere by having these measures in Unfortunately, there are other problems such as the changing family structure that do not have such clear cut solutions. Some of the problems that teachers are faced with concerning the family nclude poverty, single parent homes, abuse and/or neglect and Statistics state that 41% of single, female headed households live below the poverty level and that students who live in single parent homes score lower on achievement tests, particularly boys whose mothers are the head of the household. Obviously, single parent families are a fact in our society today, given the rising rate of divorce and single women having children, and it is true that this change is having a severe effect on students today, but this should not effect the quality of education that is provided, but rather, ncourage educators to be more aware of the difficulties these students face in order to adapt their teaching style, as well as the Similarly, child abuse and/or neglect has become a major issue in society and schools. It is not clear whether there is a rise in the occurrences of abuse or whether better awareness has increased the statistics, but it cannot be argued that this a significant problem and one that effects those educators who have to help students who are either abused or neglected. Strict regulations concerning the accountability of teachers regarding the reporting of child abuse or eglect are in effect. Teachers are required to be trained on the ability to identify abuse. Community agencies, shelters and child welfare agencies have begun working in conjunction with schools in order to deal with the problem with as little disruption in the Homelessness is another major problem in our society. The rate of homeless people has grown significantly since the early 1980†³s deinstitutionalization movement and more recently due to the rising unemployment rate have led to more families and children being homeless than ever before. This social problem has become a significant problem for educators. Low achievement, which may be in part due to low attendance as a result of a transient lifestyle, physical problems associated with living on the streets and child abuse are all issues that educators are confronted with when working with students who are homeless. Unfortunately, because of the lack of government funds, this problem continues to grow in America. On the other hand, schools have begun to deal with this problem by hiring additional counselors, some who work specifically to coordinate service with shelters in order provide assistance to these families and more precisely to the children. This effort clearly demonstrates that educators are genuinely concerned about providing education to Clearly our schools and society face the same problems. It has become necessary for all people, not just educators, to be more aware of the problems. Although some intervention programs have been implemented and in some cases are very successful, it is becoming more apparent that these problems are going to continue and will have a direct consequence on our future in this country. Unfortunately, we as a society tend to look for the â€Å"quick fix† to our problems without realizing the consequences for the future. Decline of Education and the Rise of Mediocrity According to â€Å"A Nation at Risk†, the American education system has declined due to a â€Å"rising tide of mediocrity† in our schools. States such as New York have responded to the findings and recommendations of the report by implementing such strategies as the â€Å"Regents Action Plan† and the â€Å"New Compact for Learning†. In the early 1980†³s, President Regan ordered a national commission to study our education system. The findings of this commission were that, compared with other industrialized nations, our education system is grossly inadequate in meeting the standards of education that many other countries have developed. At one time, America was the world leader in technology, service, and industry, but overconfidence based on a historical belief in our superiority has caused our nation to fall behind the rapidly growing competitive market in the world with regard to education. The report in some respects is an unfair comparison of our education system, which does not have a national standard for goals, curriculum, or regulations, with other countries that do, but the findings nevertheless reflect the need for change. Our education system at this time is regulated by states which implement their own curriculum, set their own goals nd have their own requirements for teacher preparation. Combined with this is the fact that we have lowered our expectations in these areas, thus we are not providing an equal or quality education to all students across the country. The commission findings generated recommendations to improve the content of education and raise the standards of student achievement, particularly in testing, increase the time spent on education and provide incentives to encourage more individuals to enter the field of education as well as improving N. Y. State responded to these recommendations by first mplementing the Regents Action Plan; an eight year plan designed to raise the standards of education. This plan changed the requirements for graduation by raising the number of credits needed for graduation, raising the number of required core curriculum classes such as social studies, and introduced technology and computer science. The plan also introduced the Regents Minimum Competency Tests, which requires a student to pass tests in five major categories; math, science, reading, writing, and two areas of social studies. Although the plan achieved many of its goals in raising standards of education in N. Y. State, the general consensus is that we need to continue to improve our education system rather than being satisfied with the achievements Therefore, N. Y. adopted â€Å"The New Compact for Learning†. This plan is based on the principles that all children can learn. The focus of education should be on results and teachers should aim for mastery, not minimum competency. Education should be provided for all children and authority with accountability should be given to educators and success should be rewarded with necessary changes being made to reduce failures. This plan calls for curriculum to be devised n order to meet the needs of students so that they will be fully functional in society upon graduation, rather than just being able to graduate. Districts within the state have been given the authority to devise their own curriculum, but are held accountable by the state so that each district meets the states goals that have been established. Teachers are encouraged to challenge students to reach their full potential, rather than minimum competency. In this regard, tracking of students is being eliminated so that all students will be challenged, rather than just those who are gifted. Similarly, success hould be rewarded with recognition and incentives to further encourage progress for districts, teachers and students while others who are not as accomplished are provided remedial training or resources in order to help them achieve success. It is difficult to determine whether our country on the whole has responded to the concerns that â€Å"A Nation at Risk† presented. Clearly though, N. Y. State has taken measures over the last ten years to improve its own education system. In many respects the state has accomplished much of what it set out to do, but the need to continue to improve is still present. Certainly, if America is determined to regain its superiority in the world, education, the foundation of our future, needs to be priority number one. Teachers often develop academic expectations of students based on characteristics that are unrelated to academic progress. These expectations can affect the way educators present themselves toward the student, causing an alteration in the way our students learn, and thus causing an overall degeneration in the potential Expectations affect students in many ways, not just academically, but in the form of mental and social deprivation which causes a lack of self-esteem. When educators receive information about students, mostly even before the student walks into their classroom, from past test scores, IEP†s, and past teachers, it tends to alter the way we look at the students potential for growth. This foundation of expectation is then transformed on to our method of One basic fallout from these expectations is the amount of time educators spend in communicating with students. We tend to speak more directly to students who excel, talking in more matures tone of voice, treating them more like a grown-up than we do to the students who are already labeled underachievers. This can give the student an added incentive to either progress or regress due to the amount of As educators we tend to take the exceptional students â€Å"under our wing†. We tend to offer knowledge in situations to help push the good students, in comparison to moving on to the next task for the others. We also tend to critique the work of our god students more positively than the others, offering challenges to the answers they The most obvious characteristic that educators present to the students is in the area of body language and facial expression. We tend to present ourselves in a more professional manner to our good tudents, speaking more clearly and with a stronger tone of voice. We tend to stand more upright, in a more powerful stance, than to the slouching effect we give to the underachievers. The head shakes, glancing with our eyes, hand gestures, and posture all contribute to the way we look at certain students based on our first impressions which came before we even knew the student. One major way we can avoid these pitfalls and eliminate unfair expectations that help produce failure in our students is to restrict the past information on the students to a need to know basis. Instead f telling the teacher how the student did on past examinations, just present them with the curricula that the student must learn during the time they spend in that class. This enables the educator to formulate their own opinions of that student. Also, instead of doing the IEP meetings during the middle of the year, we should wait till the end of the semester to inform the educators of certain aspects of the student instead of giving them all the information earlier in the year. Finally, it is up to the educator himself to evaluate their own teaching methods to be able to recognize, and change, the way they resent themselves to the entire class. To be able to know what we are doing, and how we are doing it, at different times in the day is crucial to the aura we present to the students. Schools are often blamed for the ills of society, yet society has a major impact on our education system. The problems that schools are facing today are certainly connected to the problems that are society faces, including drugs, violence, and the changing of our family structure. There are many methods that schools have begun to use in order to deal with the problems they are faced with and still offer the best possible education to our youth. The use of drugs in the general population has become a very serious problem in society and within the school system. There are two aspects to drug use that teachers are having to deal with now. The first is in trying to teach the new generation of crack babies that are now entering the schools. These students have extremely low attention spans and can be very disruptive in class. Early intervention programs designed to target these children and focus on behavior management within the school setting have been effective in preparing these students for school. Educators have also identified rug use among students as one of the most significant problems that our schools face today. According to the text, the rate of drug use among students has declined in last few years, but recently there has been an increase in alcohol abuse among teenagers. Intervention programs such as APPLE, (a school based rehabilitation facility) have been implemented in many schools with the cooperation of school counselors and community agencies to treat drug using teenagers. Other programs, such as D. A. R. E have been implemented in many elementary schools to provide education about drugs to young students. Violence, both in society and in the school system has also been identified as a serious problem. The influx of weapons in schools creates a dangerous situation for teachers, administrators and other students. One remedy for this problem has been introduced in many public city schools; the use of metal detectors. While this method is not foolproof it does send the message that violence will not be tolerated in schools and that severe measures will be implemented in order to curb it. Educators are also being trained to identify those students who may be violent and to provide non-violent risis intervention. It is an undeniable fact that our society has a serious problem concerning violence and that the violence on the streets is certainly connected to the violence in the schools. It seems questionable that even these measures will significantly reduce the problem in schools, but certainly the process of teaching can continue in a less stressful atmosphere by having these measures in Unfortunately, there are other problems such as the changing family structure that do not have such clear cut solutions. Some of the problems that teachers are faced with concerning the family nclude poverty, single parent homes, abuse and/or neglect and Statistics state that 41% of single, female headed households live below the poverty level and that students who live in single parent homes score lower on achievement tests, particularly boys whose mothers are the head of the household. Obviously, single parent families are a fact in our society today, given the rising rate of divorce and single women having children, and it is true that this change is having a severe effect on students today, but this should not effect the quality of education that is provided, but rather, ncourage educators to be more aware of the difficulties these students face in order to adapt their teaching style, as well as the Similarly, child abuse and/or neglect has become a major issue in society and schools. It is not clear whether there is a rise in the occurrences of abuse or whether better awareness has increased the statistics, but it cannot be argued that this a significant problem and one that effects those educators who have to help students who are either abused or neglected. Strict regulations concerning the accountability of teachers regarding the reporting of child abuse or eglect are in effect. Teachers are required to be trained on the ability to identify abuse. Community agencies, shelters and child welfare agencies have begun working in conjunction with schools in order to deal with the problem with as little disruption in the Homelessness is another major problem in our society. The rate of homeless people has grown significantly since the early 1980†³s deinstitutionalization movement and more recently due to the rising unemployment rate have led to more families and children being homeless than ever before. This social problem has become a significant problem for educators. Low achievement, which may be in part due to low attendance as a result of a transient lifestyle, physical problems associated with living on the streets and child abuse are all issues that educators are confronted with when working with students who are homeless. Unfortunately, because of the lack of government funds, this problem continues to grow in America. On the other hand, schools have begun to deal with this problem by hiring additional counselors, some who work specifically to coordinate service with shelters in order provide assistance to these families and more precisely to the children. This effort clearly demonstrates that educators are genuinely concerned about providing education to Clearly our schools and society face the same problems. It has become necessary for all people, not just educators, to be more aware of the problems. Although some intervention programs have been implemented and in some cases are very successful, it is becoming more apparent that these problems are going to continue and will have a direct consequence on our future in this country. Unfortunately, we as a society tend to look for the â€Å"quick fix† to our problems without realizing the consequences for the future.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Britishness means different things to different people. Discuss Essay

Britishness means different things to different people. Discuss - Essay Example ish; one held by conservatives that refers to an ‘ahistorical essence’ (p32) and one used more commonly by those of liberal minds, which refers to certain ‘qualities’ that ‘most British people are supposed to share in common’ (p32). Parekh (2009) also argues that many of the historical markers of either of those two viewpoints have disappeared within the last few decades, and have been updated to reflect changing types of community and differences in heritage. This changing ethnic landscape is perhaps all too often forgotten, despite Britain’s multicultural heritage, leading to certain acts of xenophobia. It can also be argued, perhaps, that this xenophobia and heightening in British identity that occurred after the Second World War can be seen as false, or situated on lousy foundations. Many biologists, for example, completely reject the notion of ethnicity and separate races (Baumann, 1996). This suggests that the notion of being British has little to do with heritage, and more to do with the traits, humours and cultural essences of the community. Additionally, it might also be noted that Britishness could be used to refer to a current state (Parekh,2009) rather than any shared historical past, and thus would include those of South Asian descent who have made the U.K. their home. Of course, it is arguable that race and ethnicity can be understood as a social construct (Baumann, 1996), in which case the questions of being a British Asian

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Controlling Extraneous Variables in Research Coursework - 2

Controlling Extraneous Variables in Research - Coursework Example They do it based on the rational analysis and past occurrence. After spotting the extraneous variables, they can be regulated through grasping a variable steady. Another way of controlling the extraneous variables is through building a consistent environment and system to ensure that all variables are equal in every condition. Researchers have also embarked on random assignments where a group of researchers takes part in the same research. In random research, different researchers or groups are assigned to perform the task where a mathematical theory is applied to conduct the research. Â  In the article, a hypothetical construct has been identified as an extraneous variable, it is not seen directly. However, there are dimensions that have been formed to help learn hypothetical constructs in a more systematic way. Researchers use different techniques to address the issues related to the extraneous variables such as standardization that is mostly used in survey analysis. Researchers also ensure those extraneous variables are kept the same for all the research parts. It also requires the researchers to be aware of the extraneous variable especially throughout the design phase and be able to control it. Balancing the variable across the research stages also reduce the chances for the influence of the research by an extraneous variable. The balancing enables comparison between the research groups and stages.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Harry Potter And Fandom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Harry Potter And Fandom - Essay Example In addition, this section will also showcase how the complexity of Harry Potter’s themes plays a key role in the reception and interpretation of the films. In the second section, the essay introduces the critics of the Harry Potter works and showcase how such criticism shapes the reception and interoperation of such movies.   In addition, the second section will be key in demonstrating how film critics may distort the messages that the initial author intended to convey and therefore the need for the authors to remain steadfast in explaining to their fans the themes in order to counteract the critics.   The section will also show how film critics are beneficial to the particular authors of the stories as the critics when positively taken help adjust and tailor such works to meet the readers and audience needs. The section uses the film's critics to uncover how the reception and interpretation are embedded on them.   The essay gives a small history of Harry Potter seven wo rks in order to give the insights into how they have been interpreted and subsequently understood by the audience and readers.  In the third section, the paper focuses on the interpretation of Harry Potter and Fandom.   Here, the interpretations of themes, styles are analyzed based on the outcomes from the proposed research.  The recommendation is made based on these results to either invalidate or validate the hypothesis earlier outlined in the proposal section.

Water Resources Supply and Pollution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Water Resources Supply and Pollution - Assignment Example Topology is the study of the earth’s shape of the surface and features or those of moons, planets, and asteroids, as well as the description of such surface features and shapes. Topology is concerned with local detail in general, including human-made features and vegetation, and even, besides relief, culture and local history. The topography of Hawaii islands does a vast job affecting the weather that synoptic level models are sometimes insignificant. Most of the examples in this paper are taken from the Island of Oahu. This island is the most inhabited of the eight most important islands that consist of Hawaii, and since it houses Honolulu there is extensive date available on it. The Mauka and windward showers hit sections of the islands. This is caused by the pacific High which is the main influence on the climate for 50-80 percent of the year. It fuels the trade winds which fade away moisture off of the ocean as they head towards Hawaii. Wailuku River is the main source of water in Hawaii. Chemical and biological data indicate relatively clean water compared to similar streams in the conterminous United States. Due to the channel gradient, the number and types of benthic organisms are low in Wailuku River. The stream-bed is formed of lava flows from Mauna Loa Volcano, and the stream channel is characterized by a series of waterfalls and plunge pools. Headwaters of the Wailuku River flow intermittently from about 11,000 feet on the east-southwest side. In Hawaii, most of the drinking water comes from rivers and lakes. Water in Hawaii is pumped up from subversive aquifers or harvested from mountain streams. Fresh water is abundant in Hawaii; this is because the convergence winds upon the Islands forested mountains (Case 45). In Hawaii, water refuse has been fundamentally relegated to agricultural irrigation and large industries. The continuing effort

Friday, July 26, 2019

Academic Plan for Improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academic Plan for Improvement - Essay Example I have a wish to get good grades by the end of this course. To make my academic wish come true, I have committed to various study habits, which include drawing a timetable for study, sticking to it, and morning reviews of my class notes. During my morning reviews, I plan to spend the time rewriting key concepts of various subjects learned on the previous day. In addition, after finishing every course, I plan to take time to link courses to daily life to make them more fulfilling to my life. By following my study time well, I will have ample time to study and sleep, even during exams. To remain focused during study time, I will inquire from other students how they are making it, form group discussions with them to motivate and challenge me. In addition, give me rewards for following my timetables well, attending classes, and getting good grades. My obstacles in life are largely past failures and health issues, which remind me of a possibility of failure in future academic endeavors. I have told myself repeatedly that I do not need to fear about sicknesses because they are part of life. I am trying to overcome this fear by reading a book by Norman Vincent Pearle on the Power Of Positive Thinking and encourage myself that sickness will not affect my studies. I have committed to taking a balanced diet to boost my immunity and avoid communicable diseases. Another of my greatest fears has been how I will balance my studies and my family. This is because when I come home in the evenings, I need to spend time with my family, and at the same time have a few minutes to review my notes and do some assignments. Usually, my children draw their inspiration to read from me, which makes them stay focused on their studies. In the timetable, I have slotted a time to my children and reduced the time I had to watch TV in the evenings to ensure that I have enough sleep to start my day fresh.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Examine and discuss the philosophical views developed by Epicurus Essay

Examine and discuss the philosophical views developed by Epicurus - Essay Example They  cannot be created or destroyed  though there can be added or subtracted to provide different structure. He  is of the view that atoms exit in different shapes and he states, â€Å"for so many varieties of things as we see could never have arisen out of a recurrence of a definite number of the same shapes. The like atoms of each shape are absolutely infinite, but the variety of shapes†¦not absolutely infinite† ( 12).These atoms are moving all the time as mentioned in Herodotus, â€Å"The atoms are in continual motion through all eternity ( 13)† Furthermore, Epicurus gave reasons that these invisible atoms were of different sizes that provide different sensations and feelings in people as mentioned, â€Å"Again, you should not suppose that the atoms have any and every size, lest you be contradicted by facts; but differences of size must be admitted; for this addition renders the facts of feeling and sensation easier of explanation† ( p.27). Epicurus did not approve of the idea that there was indivisibility of matter as atoms are not divisible. Epicurus believed that cosmos consisted of many worlds that were endless in number, had their point of origination and ends and were in constant movement. It is mentioned in a letter to Herodotus where he clearly stated that these cannot be divided or changed ( p.9). Epicurus had the view that cosmos could be explained by humanistic experiences as humans could remain happy if they became free of supernatural agents like Gods, fear of life after, punishments. Epicurus had the view that it was the nature of human beings that they associate knowledge of cosmos with facts that should be based on empirical data. However, for Epicurus, human beings sensation is the foundations of any investigations of cosmos. According to him, sciences are still inexhaustible which makes the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Identify a researchable problem in long term care using practical Assignment

Identify a researchable problem in long term care using practical examples and citing from literature. The problem refers to whether a patient's DNR status should deny them emergency treatment - Assignment Example A DNR does not become an obstacle in the way of most medical treatments like dialysis, surgery, chemotherapy etc. However, any emergency procedure which would consist of intubation or CPR is not allowed and patients with DNR status are denied that. Though each state in the US has differing rules and regulations, both CPR and advanced life support are not performed if there is an explicit DNR request confirmed by law. It is considered important that â€Å"a full discussion of the DNR order should be undertaken† (Norman, 2010) before advancing to surgery. But the way things are done is different in the prehospital settings and in many US states, a DNR order is not followed during the period when a patient is being transferred to the hospital from the site of trauma. Prehospital medical personnel in such cases starts resuscitation measures and does not deny a patient proper cardiac life support based on intubation and CPR. In contrast to Canada and US where DNRs are respected in healthcare setups by doctors and nurses, it is claimed by a Jordanian medical student that there is no concept of DNRs in Jordan and rest of the Middle East and also the family is denied the right to observe resuscitation in the OR. It is always tr ied to save a patient’s life even if emergency measures taken antagonize the patient’s will (Yousef, cited in Jimenez, 2009). There are some conditions specified by the US law when a patient’s DNR status should not deny them emergency treatment. This is when, among other conditions, there is sufficient evidence suggesting cancellation of the DNR order. Also, when a patient him/herself wishes for resuscitative or emergency measures or he/she is not in a state to make a conscious decision and it is requested by a family member to initiate emergency procedures, the DNR form is ignored (New York Department of Health, 1999). However, if a patient shows a DNR personally or

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Journal #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Journal #3 - Essay Example The key objective of the Fraternity is Brotherhood and Sisterhood, a value that has been continually achieved all through the year, with Fraternity members living together and tackling most of their problems be it academic or even personal issues. Another value that Indiana University Fraternity has continually emphasized over the years is leadership development. This has been achieved through self-governance, where the Greek System provides a platform for students to govern themselves. These structures offer the members of the fraternities with a platform for leadership, assisting them to become better leaders in the future. In addition to this value, another key value that the IU Greek system has always emphasized is the Civic Engagement. This has been also achieved through a variety of ways ranging from the Little 500 event, IU Sing and Intramurals. The Indiana University Fraternity and Sorority values have been followed adequately within the university and the Indiana University has achieved a majority if not all its values. The platforms provided by the university improve the Greek system, from the usual setting where it is purely used to create teamwork for extra curriculum activities, to a point where it improves the academic and career lives of all its

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and Confessions found In a Prison by Charles Dicken Essay Example for Free

The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe and Confessions found In a Prison by Charles Dicken Essay My essay will consist of the themes of the two short stories and background information on the authors who were living at the Victorian time, now seen as classical writers. Edgar Allen Poe was born January 19th 1809 in Boston. He was an American short story writer, poet, critic, and editor. He is famous in all of these traits for his cultivation of mystery and macabre writing. The atmosphere is his tales of horror is unrivalled in American fiction. After his mother died in Richmond, in 1811, he was taken into the home of John Allan, a Richmond merchant (presumably his godfather), and his childless wife. He was later taken to Scotland and England (1815-20), where he was given a classical education that was continued in Richmond. His gambling losses at the university incensed his guardian that he refused to let him continue, and Poe returned to Richmond to find his sweetheart, (Sarah) Elmira Royster, engaged. Poe made a name as a critical reviewer and married his young cousin Virginia Clemm, who was only 13. Poe seems to have been an affectionate husband and son-in-law. Poe was dismissed from his job in Richmond, apparently for drinking, and went to New York City. Drinking was in fact to be the bane of his life. To talk well in large company he needed a slight stimulant, but a glass of sherry might start him on a spree; and, although he rarely succumbed to intoxication, he was often seen in public when he did. This gave rise to the conjecture that he was a drug addict, but according to medical testimony he had a brain lesion. His wife Virginia died in 1847. Charles Dickens is generally considered as one of the greatest writers of the Victorian Era. His work is characterised by attacks on the social evils, injustices and hypocrisy. In his early teen years he was forced to end school and work in the factory. Dickens characters such as Scrooge, David Copperfield and Mr Pickwick have fascinated generations of readers. The author was born in Hampshire during the industrial age his father was a well-paid clerk but often ended up in financial problems. Dickens wrote for several newspapers. In 1836 he married Catherine Hogart. They had 10 children. Both short stories contain the theme of GOTHIC LITERATURE. The Goths were said, by history, to be barbarians who destroyed the classical Roman civilisation and plunged the civilised world into the centuries of ignorance called the Dark Ages. Hence the word Goth originally came from the name of the German tribe at odds with the Roman Empire, later a generic term for all German tribes- came to stand for Barbarous; and later, what was said to be barbarous, came to be known as gothic. The term gothic also came to represent the medieval culture of the long years of the Dark Ages. In Edgar Allan Poes story The Tell Tale Heart, the narrator cannot see that she/he is crazy and rather maniacally tries to convince that she/he is not. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. You should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded. He gleefully recounts the skilled way he kills an old man and buries him under the floorboards. When two policemen came to the residence to investigate, the narrator believes that he can hear the old mans heart still beating, and it drives the narrator to confess the crime: Villains! (Narrator shrieked), dissemble no more! -Here, here! It is the beating of the hideous heart. Both authors have one obvious thing in common they are both male writers. They were very popular in their short story writing and became very famous. The two stories have the narrator as the insane murderers. Those killers talk in great detail about why, how, when and where they committed their evil actions. In both stories the victims were vulnerable. A young child was atrociously killed in Confessions found In a Prison and a powerless old man was killed fiercely in The Tell Tale Heart. Both victims were vulnerable because of their age. The murder plots were both designed intelligently methodically thought out what was being undertaken in days or weeks before the episode occurred. Both authors added a great twist in the end and left the readers stunned. The police officers in The Tell Tale Heart were shocked by the killers confession while viewing where the body was hidden; he was revealing his madness in a dramatic breakdown. The army officers in Confessions in a Prison found out where the decaying body of the child lay simply by observing the unknown crime scene. Last of all, both murderers confessed to their compulsive, inhumane actions and paid for taking the life of an innocent person. The killers in both stories believably insane in the way they had the most ridiculous reasons to take another human life but they still had killers motives. There are many differences that make the both stories unique, such as the murderers Motives to kill. In The Tell Tale Heart the killer was haunted by the evil eye of vulture, although he still liked the man he had to get rid of the eye. In Confessions Found In a Prison the motives were all about greed because the killers wife loved his nephew as her own child and was haunted by the childs face and eyes, which reminded him of his mother, who he believed didnt like him very much. The two victims who were killed had a major contrast in age, old verses young. I think I felt more sympathy for the child being killed rather than the old man because the young child had his whole life ahead to see and experience the world, compared to the old man who had already lived his life. I also think the killing of a child was more horrific in the Confessions found In a Prison compared to the aged man in The Tell Tale Heart. The helpless young child was innocent, little and fragile who even attempted to escape outside in the garden by himself. The poor child didnt have the best of childhood. Both his parents had died, and he had been put into the care of his uncle. The murder in The Tell Tale Heart was left unidentified as to whether it was a male or a female. There were no clues or hints referring to his or her sex, which gives the story more suspense and more mystery. As a reader I felt the narrator could only have been a man due to the horrific style of the murder. I understand that these extreme actions could have been committed by a woman, but I believe it is more likely to be a man. The assassin in the story Confession found In a Prison had a blood relationship with his victim. The killer was an uncle of the child who was his BLOOD nephew. The murderer in the story of the The Tell Tale Heart was a neighbour to the old man who we didnt really know anything about. The Tell Tale Heart takes place in the region of 7-8 days mainly during the hours of darkness at the residence of the old man. The motives of the two murderers were different and similar in particular ways. In The Tell Tale Heart the assassin was disturbed by the evil eyes of the old man that was an image of a vulture. In Confessions found In a Prison the murderer was greedy and jealous because his wife seemed to love his nephew as her own child, the memory of his brothers wifes eyes lived in the little boys eye in particular, which he inherited. I think there is a lot of evidence as to why the murderer was completely mad in The Tell Tale Heart The narrator was simply trying so hard to convince the reader that he/she was not mad, for example but why will you say that I am mad or the line would a mad man have been so wise as this? this clearly shows that the narrator is trying to convince the reader of his sanity. The repetitiveness and the use of phrases of how a mad man should be keeps relating to themes of madness. The narrator also uses speech, involving the readers by asking questions, e.g. Would a mad man have been so wise as this? The killer says in the first paragraph that he/she loved the old man. The killer didnt have any grudges against him, and he had never wronged the narrator. The only thing that came in the way of all of these opinions was that the narrator was haunted by the old mans eye. Such stupid, mad and negative thoughts took the life of an innocent man. The killer in Confessions Found In a Prison was a blood relative of the victim, the uncle of the child. The killer didnt really think twice about his relationship towards the boy and about the deep, deep consequences. Both murderers had plainly confessed to their repulsive deeds at the end of the short stories. Both confessed dramatically. Both murderers sat on top of their victims lifeless corpses just before they were found out. In The Tell Tale Heart the narrator was sitting on top of the floorboards just above where the body had been placed. In Confessions found in a Prison the murderer sat outside in his own garden with his own officers sitting on the soil that his nephew lay beneath. Both killers ended at the site of the manic crimes. In Confessions Found In A Prison when the narrator did not move his chair or himself, the army officers guessed that he was hiding something. Both narrators have probably flashes in their mind of what they did and what their consequences were going to be if they got caught for murdering an innocent and helpless. For example in Confessions Found In A Prison although the narrator his all the evidence and covered up the crime scene, he lived in fear of being found out that he killed his own nephew. He suffers terrible nightmares and needs to keep a constant watch over his nephews early grave. Both authors are sending significant messages in their short stories, who ever takes a wrong turning life or has done something very wrong against the law will be caught and punished to pay in debt for their crime. If you murder, later your actions turn into regrets and pure nightmares, it drives you insane because you cant simply cope with a guilty conscious. The authors try to convey to their readers that by taking a life of a human, the punishment given to the killer will never be enough to pay for the death of an innocent person who will never get another chance to live in this world. I believe the authors are disapproving of MURDER, in the way they ended their short stories with both killers getting caught and arrested for operating a murder offence. Edgar Allen Poe uses noise to create atmosphere in the short story and to build up suspense, for example, the hinges creaked. The reader instantly wants to discover who is behind the door. This creates more suspense and mystery with the intension of making the readers more engaged, and wanting to read further, and it leaves the reader clinging to the edge of their seats. The Tell Tale Heart is very quiet, calm and peaceful, until the twist at the end of the story, when death was inflicted upon the victim. A silence is always followed by action; again the reader is kept entertained, interested and literally addicted to the suspense and the build up of the tension. Edgar Allan Poe also mentions time in The Tell Tale Heart. It helps many writers in building suspense and creating atmosphere based of the theme of the story. Time makes the story more interesting and gives a sense of repetition if certain words involving time are used atmosphere, suspense and tension are built. For example, For the whole hour I didnt move a muscle this portrays how slowly the time passed. For a minute, the heart went on with a muffled sound. The writer here engages his readers by making TIME a way of creating more atmosphere and tension the short story. Out of the two murderers I really do not think either of them deserved any sympathy, seeing as their reasons for murder were both so meaningless. I feel a tiny bit of pity for the murderer in Confessions found in a Prison because he had had the hatred growing inside him for a long time, waiting to explode. From an early age he seemed to resent his brother and this hatred was later transferred to his innocent nephew. The killer in Confessions found in a Prison wasnt completely mad at the beginning of the story, but became so when the nephew took a role as part of his everyday life, his madness simply stretched from the point when the child was put under his care, the memory of the childs parents was there to remind him everyday of his past hatred and jealousy. The murderer in The Tell Tale Heart didnt appear to have a particular link with the victim, as we know it. The victim did him no wrong. I believe the narrator was mad, and beyond any sense of logical thought. I think he was in need of great medical help from the beginning of the story. I favoured The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe rather than the short story Confessions found in a Prison by Charles Dickens, even though both stories stunned me completely. The author Edgar Allan Poe writes in such anger and irritation about the evil eye, which was compared to a vultures eye. The account of the heart of the old man drumming in the killers mind, driving him to breakdown, gives the reader a shaky feeling while imagining the event. I think the repetition of words helped build up the suspense and tension, this also guides the reader to read further into the passage. The word mad appears in The Tell Tale Heart many times referring to the narrators insanity, this implies to the reader that the narrator is crazy, as he/she brings up this subject on many occasions and obsessively denying their own accusations, e.g. I am not mad. There are many short sentences, usually a device to build up atmosphere and suspense. Edgar Allan Poe writes in such detail about each topic, for example the Evil Eye, we as readers could feel the hate growing inside the narrator, which became very realistic. The twist at the end of this story fascinated me, and gave effectiveness to the whole story. It was intelligently written. The ending wasnt obvious, and kept you guessing to the very end. I didnt expect the killer in The Tell Tale Heart to rip up the floor boards because of all of the hard work and preparation that the killer went through to cover up the crime scene. I took a great interest In the way the narrator was portrayed at the end, when the police inspectors arrived. The killer put on an innocent and relaxed facial expression, just in-case suspicion occurred with the officers. His or her voice tones were transformed into calm, relaxing tones, and the body language is conveyed greatly by the description from the author. The body language was altered depending on the situation to avoid suspicion. The reaction at the end was unexpected, but I could sense a twist building up in the writing. The coincidental visit from the police, and the dramatic confession of the killer was very amusing for me to read. In conclusion, Although I believe that neither of the murderers deserve sympathy, I feel remote pity for both murderers, in the fact that they were mentally unstable, and the knowledge of their crime tore at them until it drove them to confess all. I believe that this does equate for a slight sympathetic vote to go to the killer who showed the most emotion, and regret. I therefore would say I felt the most sympathy for the killer in The Tell Tale Heart.

How Students and Teachers Can Avoid and Prevent Plagiarism Essay Example for Free

How Students and Teachers Can Avoid and Prevent Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism has been any and every writer’s concern, both in the scholarly and non scholarly sense. It is the dreaded term which implies various complications from those who choose to plagiarize, those plagiarized by accident, and those authors who are mere victims of such unfair treatment. From the students’ standpoint, great and keen consideration must be done in the process of how they choose to construct their ideas and write about a required topic. With the lenient accessibility of information within a click’s reach, plagiarism even gets more tempting. The Michigan Library Association (MLA) Forum (2008) adds â€Å"With the Internet offering students such a wealth of information at their fingertips, it is no surprise that one of the main reasons that they commit acts of plagiarism is simply due to how easy and convenient it has become† (n. p. ). Hence, students must understand the definitions and details of what plagiarism is and what to do and what not to do as a plagiaristic situation arises. Students always use plagiarism checker free. Students must maintain their academic responsibility as they fulfill the scholastic obligations. Students should be responsible in understanding and realizing other tools available to them as they fulfill certain literary requirements. The use of methods like proper paraphrasing, formal, and correct citing of references, being consistent to the requirements of a specific referencing style— plagiarism may be avoided given that all must be understood and well executed by the student. From the teachers’ standpoint, there are a series of issues which must be explained to the student. The clear discussion of what plagiarism is and the consequences it brings must be well and thoroughly comprehended by the students. Teachers should emphasis the valuable use and importance of the use of bibliography. As the Plagiarism. org (2008) writes: â€Å"Emphasize that the annotation has to be in their own voice and words, and should specifically discuss the relevance of the source to their research† (n. . ). Teachers should make themselves clear and specific in what they demand of their students. They should help exercise further the skills of their students such as by assigning the students to make a presentation which would enhance their research and idea conceptualization. It is also of beneficial importance for teachers to be creative in building their students’ skills in writing formal academic works.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dealing with conflicts within a family

Dealing with conflicts within a family Most families in todays society will have to deal with a wide range of conflicts and issues concerning the sociology of the family. The purpose of this is essay is to evaluate the consensus and conflict theories of the family and to analyse the concept of gender roles within the family. It will also focus on the feminist critiques of the traditional approaches to the family, and examine two sociological explanations for domestic violence/ abuse within the family Consensus and conflict theory (Task 1) Consensus can be described as an agreed position or a set of values that stresses the importance of behaviour by learning to adjust to society and conforming to a set of norms and values. Whilst the conflict theory focusses on the uneven sharing of power within society and groups such as the workforce, which are in conflict with each other in terms of status and power. However both theories see the origin of human behaviour as being one that is shaped by structure rather than agency. Therefore it can be argued that consensus is a concept in which a common group is founded, whilst conflict can be said to be a disagreement of ideas and principles between people or society. (Giddens, A, 1997) Functionalism and the Family Consensus theory can be related to functionalism. Functionalism focusses on the need for people to conform to an agreed set of norms and values regardless of wealth, culture, race, sex or religion. This theory is carried through to their view of the family. Functionalism focusses on the Nuclear family which is one whos structure comprises of two generations, those being the parents who are joined in a monogamous marriage, and their children. The Nuclear family which evolved through the need to retain property within the family that could then be passed on to future generations supported an industrialist society as the set up of a two parent house hold would enable the father who is looked upon as the head of the house to go out and support a work industry in order to provide for his family, whilst the mother who remains at home would take care of the house and raise their children. (Giddens, A, 2006) Functionalism sees the family as a harmonious unit with the husband and wife living in agreement, and any future products of this marriage (children) being taught through primary socialisation which takes place within the family, the norms (e.g., accepted forms of behaviour and common culture) and values (e.g., value of life and money) of the society in which they are to grow up in. Moore (2001:324) states that the basic socialisation takes place in the family and it is here, through parents and relatives, that we learn the accepted morality of society. Marxism and the Family Marxism which can be related to the conflict theory, like functionalism views the family as an institution which socialises the children that are born into it. However, unlike functionalism which focuses on the family working to promote a consensus society which works as one to benefit everyone, Marxism has a different view of the family. They believe that opposition between profitable establishments such as manufacturing plants (which form a ruling class through individual possession and finance) and the majority of the population who will provide the labour for these institutions, exists. Marxism views the family (which produces the workers who will provide the labour for these economic institutions) as a unit which enables the class differences between the workers and the ruling class to remain and one which also allows for the exploitation of the workers as the status of the ruling class is maintained through the profit they receive from the products of the workers labour. Harala mbos and Langley(2003:39) states institutions such as the family, the education system and the political system are shaped by the requirements of capitalism and serve to support and maintain it. Marxists are of the opinion that patriarchy (which sees the husband adopting the role of the head of the home) exists within the nuclear family. They believe that patriarchy in the family evolved within a capitalist society due to the ownership of private property. Any of the wifes property once married came under the ownership of her husband and could then be passed on to lawfully-begotten inheritors, leading to the wife having no means of living independently from her husband. As cited in Haralambos and Langley (2003:39) In The Origin of The Family, Private Property and the State, first published in 1884, Friedrich Engels argued that the modern nuclear family developed in a capitalist society. Private property is at the heart of capitalism and it was largely owned by men. Before 1882 in Britain, Married women could not own property- it passed on to their husband on marriage. Patriarchy within the home allowed the husband who feels inferior in the workplace to assert his authority over his wife and family who are dependent on him as the bread winner in the family. He would take out his frustrations of work on the family and used dominance as a means of order and control. Moore (2001 167) states that It is women who have their careers interrupted by childbirth and women who carry the main responsibility for childcare. Women are therefore more likely to be financially dependant on their partners, which gives them less power over decision-making in family matters. Feminism and the Family Feminist Sociology is a controversial subject with wide and difficult boundaries. It is an issue that is not just about women, but one that is for women. It is believed that feminism started in the early19th century due to the increasing perception that women face injustice and inequality in a society they feel is dominated by men, be it the workplace or the home. Feminists are of an opinion that the family is one which allows for the control of women by men, through patriarchy. They believe that the ownership of property that is bestowed to men leads to domination of women within the home. The wife cannot cause conflict within the family unit by having a difference of opinion to that of her husband as she has no means of living independently from him, due to lack of the ownership of assets. Feminism sees the free labour a woman undertakes whilst raising her children as an injustice as a capitalism will gain from the fruits if her labour, due to the belief that her children will be a beneficial asset to a capitalist society as prospective workers. Feminism also argues that the wife will provide support (which is classed as emotional labour) to her husband by Listening to his complaints about work, all the while appearing to be in agreement with him, thus soaking up all of his frustration, which will again allow him to go back to the workplace and provide the labour which benefits a capitalist society. (Scott, J, 1996) Evaluation Although Functionalism, Marxism and feminism are all in agreement in their belief that the family plays a major role in society, each theoretical perspective has an individual perceptions of what the family stands for. Functionalism which focuses on consensus within the nuclear family does not take into account the fact that the structure of the family unit has evolved over time, and in todays society that unit may consist of single parent families and same sex marriages and Marxists would argue that functionalism promotes the sustenance of an unfair system within a capitalist society as they ignore any inequalities that exist in society. Marxists would argue that rather than being a unit of harmony, the family is an institution which exists in a society that consists of conflict due to inequalities of power, class and ownership of property in a capitalist society, and that patriarchy within the family evolved in a capitalist society due to the husbands need to assert control over his family due to his lack of power within the workplace. However Feminists would argue that Marxism accepts the dominance of women within the family, and that patriarchy is an excuse for a husband to have control over his wife. However, although feminism advocates for equal rights of women to men, critics of feminism believe that feminists have a pessimistic view of the family, which does not accept the fact that some women in society embrace their role in the family which enables them to nurture their children and provide moral support to their husband. This critique is evident in Haralambos and Langley (2003:41) which states that Critics argue that feminists are preoccupied with the negative side of the family life. They ignore the possibility that many women enjoy running a home and raising children. Gender Roles (Task 2) Gender roles can be described as cultural and personal. We learn the roles that are deemed as acceptable by society, primarily, from the family and the culture we grow up in and then secondarily from outside influences. Gender roles have a huge impact on behaviour and define the way that both male and females think, speak, dress and communicate within society. Parents tend to treat male and female offspring differently, thus instilling the primary socialisation of gender roles in children from when they are born. where the preference of parents is concerned, male children can be deemed as having an edge over their female siblings as majority of parents (especially fathers) would prefer to have a male child rather than a female child as this allows for the continuance of the family name. Secondary gender socialisation in learned through the influences in society such as peers and the media. This is done through the way the children are spoken to and the toys they are given to play with. Boys will often appear more boisterous when playing will act out scenes related to heroism, whilst girls will often take on a more demure role when playing, seeming to act out roles relating to carrying out domestic chores and childrearing. As sited in Giddens (2006:460-461) The toys, picture books and television programmes experienced by young children all tend to emphasize differences between male and female attributes. Although the situation is changing somewhat, male characters tend to outnumber females in most childrens books, television programmes and films. Male characters tend to play more active, adventurous roles, while females are portrayed as passive, expectant and domestically orientated (Weitzman 1972; zammuner 1987; davies 1991) The gender roles that are embedding into boys and girls through primary and secondary socialisation when young influences the roles they adopt within the family unit. It has been suggested by functionalism that men and womens roles within the family are different. This can be evident in functionalisms view of the family. They focus on the belief that men perform instrumental roles, whilst women play an expressive role, and the fact that the consensus theory of functionalism saw education and professional qualification being afforded to the males within the family as they were to be the providers and would have a superior role which involved making all the decisions within the family, whilst it was deemed that females had no use for education as they were to remain at home and carry out the domestic chores within the house, and nurture and raise the children. Marxism too saw the woman taking on a more domestic and caring role, tending to her husbands needs and rearing their children, whilst the husband who was the patriarchal figure in the family unit who owned all their property, went out to work to provide for his family. However, as a result of the emerging feminist movements, womens roles within the family has taken on a more liberal view. Education and professional qualification are now achieved by both men and women. Things that affect the family unit are now discussed between the man and the woman within the home and decision are made in agreement. Housework is now done on more even terms between men and women, and although women still carry out slightly more household chores than men. As sited in Giddens (2006:760) Surveys have found that women still spend nearly 3 hours a day on average on housework (excluding shopping and childcare). This compares with the 1 hour 40 minutes spent by men. (Office of National Statistics 2003). Domestic Abuse (Task 3) Domestic abuse can be described as the oppression and dominance through threats and acts of physical harm against one family member by another. It is used as a means of control and can be exhibited in a variety of ways ( these being verbal and non verbal) which range from low level acts, e,g, cursing, pushing and continual harrassment for sex, to more physical acts such as, the pulling of hair, punching, kicking and in extreme cases, violence which results in death. Although domestic abuse is said to be a deviant for of behaviour that is majority of the time perpetrated by men against women, domestic abuse of men by their female partners is becoming more recognised even though many cases of male abuse goes unreported due to the fact that men see admission of being a victim of abuse as an a loss of masculinity. Giddens (2006:221) states Most violent episodes between spouses reported to the police involve violence by husbands against their wives. Feminists state that domestic abuse inflicted on women within the home is down to patriarchy. They believe that through patriarchy the man adopts a role within the home that allows him greater status to that of the woman. This is done through the chances, within, what they believe to be a male dominated society which are afforded to him as a man,e,g, ownership of property, the attainment of educational qualifications and wealth. Feminists are of an opinion that men use violence as a means of controlling a womans behaviour in terms of keeping her submissive. Scott (1996:157) states Theorists of patriarchy have directed the subordination of women and found Their explanation for it in the male need to dominate the female. However feminists fail to acknowledge the concept that women are also offenders of abuse against men. Society finds it hard to conceive that men can be a victim of abuse at the hands of a woman as since the beginning of society women have always been observed as the weaker sex. As stated in an article on Elizabethan Women Elizabethan society was patriarchal, meaning that men were considered to be the leaders and women their inferiors. Women were regarded as the weaker sex. ( However Marxists who also view the man as the main perpetrator of domestic abuse gives a different argument for the cause. They believe that the man who works in a capitalist society uses violences within the home as a means of releasing the stress that surmounts from working in an industrialist society. They also say that the man who is oppressed within the workplace will come home and use violence to assert his authority within the home as unlike the workplace, the family is an institution where he has power. (Giddens,1997) Elder Abuse (Task 3) Abuse of elder members within the family is becoming more general. This type of abuse can be performed through deliberately disregarding the needs of the elderly, e.g., not providing basic care needs to those less able to care for themselves, being verbally abusive towards them or inflicting pain through actual physical violence which include pinching, biting, slapping and punching. It is hard to know just how common elder abuse is as the victims are less likely to report the abuse that they sustain from members of their family unit. (Scott,1996) . In Macionis and Palmers book Sociology, a global introduction (1998) they provide one explanation of elder abuse as being due to the fact that, more families take on the responsibility of caring for elderly members ( which can be stressful in terms of financial burden and increase in labour within the home) alongside going out to work and raising their own children. In their book they ask the question What motivates people to abuse the elderly? and gives the answer as often the cause lies in the stress of caring. Feminist Critiques of the Traditional Family When society talks about the traditional family, they are in fact refering to the Nuclear Family, which is said to be one of harmony. The nuclear familys structure is one that consists of, a father and mother who are joined in a marriage (that practices monogamy) and their children. Conservative thinkers are said observe the family as The Pillar of Society. The family is said to support a capitalist industry by reproducing the individuals who provide the labour for the institutions which are there to make huge profits from the goods that are produced by the workers. Patriarchy exists within the Nuclear family. The Man is said to be The head of the family, and any money that is earned or any property that is inherited or bought by the family is said to be his. He too makes all the decisions that relate to the family unit. The womans role within the family is said to be more of a domesticated one. She will take on majority if not all of the household chores, and this includes the rearing of children. She is said to be the figure in the family who is observed as the carer. Meeting the care and emotional needs of her children and supporting her husband within a capitalist society by ensuring that he arrives home to an environment that is condusive after a hard and stressfull day at work. (Haralambos and Langley, 2003:39). However feminists view the family diferent from that of a conservative, as they view it as one that consists of inequality, opression , patriarchy and violence. Patriarchy: Gender Feminists conceive that the family is the basis for patriarchal capitalism, which gives rise to the subjugation of women. Liberal feminists consider marriage to be a tradition which needs to be reformed as opposed to extinguishing it altogether. This is evident in Betty Friedans book The Feminine Mystique in which she declared that Women in their 60s were enslaved by domesticity because of the roles they played as mothers and wives. She advocated for an improved quality of life for women outside of spousal relationship. Division of labour/ Free labour: Marxists feminists believes that the division of labour that is undertaken within the family unit is an inequality women as they will provide majority of the childcare and carry out a great percentage if not all of the household chores. Feminists see this unpaid work within the home as an unfair as, the woman taking care of the home enables the man to go out to work and earn money to support his family, which reinforces the position he adopts as the head of the family. They are also of an opinion that this responsibility of care in the home reduces the womans ability to go out and work and earn money which would provide her with a means of independence. Feminists also argue the injustice of the domestic abuse that a woman is subjucted to in the home, even though she is the individual who provides the most support to all other members within the family unit. Gender Inequalities: In Feminist perspective on Reproduction and the family,feminist critics such as Susan Okin suggest that For women to have fair equality of oppurtinity the family need to be re-adjusted on gender terms. This is a general view which is taken by most feminists, as most families are based on inequality and oppression. Okin also stated that the family is a linchpin for gender injustice she also argue that, as women depended on men for almost everything due to patriarchy, this allow them to be subjected to physical, sexual or psychological abuse.(

Saturday, July 20, 2019

L.L. Bean Essay -- essays research papers

L.L.Bean started from making a hundred pair of boots, to becoming one of America largest mail order retailer of high quality outdoor goods and apparel for men, women and children. Leon Leonwood Bean founded L.L. Bean in 1912; the company headquarters is in Freeport, Maine. Leon Leonwood Bean founded his business on a belief in honesty, commitment to quality, customer satisfaction and a passion for the outdoors. Leon Leonwood Bean was an avid outdoorsman that decided that he could improve on the typical hunting boots. He had a local shoemaker stitch a pair of waterproof shoe rubber to leather tops. Then he field-tested them himself to see first hand if they was any good. In 1912 he sold 100 pairs of the boots and â€Å"attached a tag guaranteeing 100% satisfaction. Within a matter of weeks, the shoes began coming back. Ninety pairs were returned, the rubber bottoms separated from the tops† ( Leon Leonwood Bean make good on his promise of 100% satisfaction guaranteed by replacing all boots that was returned and established a business with his customers that is still going strong today. That value lives on today at L.L.Bean. They still measure success by the customer’s satisfaction and the guarantee upon which the company was founded that says â€Å"Our products are guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction in every way. Return anything purchased from us at any time if it proves otherwise. We will replace it, refund your purchase price or credit your credit card. We do not want you to have anything from L.L. Bean that is not completely satisfactory† ( L.L.Bean 3 L.L.Bean doesn’t just say this, but really lives by it. My dad had a pair of the Maine hunting boots for years. He told me one day that the boots started leaking at the seams and I told him to send them back to L.L.Bean with a note telling them what was wrong and that you would like a new pair. In about three weeks from sending them back he got a new pair of the Maine hunting boots in the mail with no questions asked. So L.L.Bean really does live by the 100% satisfaction guarantee even if you have the stuff for years before you become dissatisfied with it. How many retail store will give its customers 100% satisfaction guarantee no questions asked? I can’t think of one other company in the outdoors goods and clothing business that will do that. L.L. Bean started with one store in Freepo... ...r. Customer service is the heart of L.L.Bean mail order, retail stores and web site. During the peak holidays season L.L.Bean has over 3 thousands customer service representatives working for them, to handle over 100 thousands calls on busiest days and more then 15 million calls a year. About 2 thousands of L.L.Bean customer service representatives come back to work the holiday season year after year. â€Å"L.L.Bean also does not evaluate customer service representatives based on the average length of their calls, unlike many other companies, or on the revenue they generate† (Tedeschi, 2000, p4). Customer service representatives can spend as much time as needed with a customer, which has translated to a loyal customer base for L.L.Bean. Customer service is why L.L.Bean has L.L.’s Golden Rule â€Å"Sell good merchandise at a reasonable profit, treat your customers like human beings, and they will always come back for more† ( With L.L.Bean 100% satisfaction guarantee and L.L.’s Golden Rule value lives on at L.L.Bean today and will for a long time. They want to build a relationship that will last a lifetime. That is why L.L.Bean is one of the best-managed companies in America.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Summary of Cinderella Essay -- essays research papers

As children most of our life lessons were acquired through the simplicity of fairy tales. Subliminal messages taught us to always believe in true love and that good wins out over evil. Young and naà ¯ve, as children, all we desired was a good story and a nap, but the lessons we learned lasted a lifetime. Growing up my beloved fairy tale was Cinderella, not only does true love win but good wins over evil and eventually the world is set right. Once upon a time in a kingdom far away, lived a beautiful girl and her frail father. Fearing he would leave his young daughter an orphan he married a young widow, soon after he brought his bride and two daughters to live with him on his manor. Almost exactly a year later, he past away in his sleep leaving his entire household behind. His young daughter Cinderella wept for three years without delay and when she wiped her tears away she found herself a sixteen year old servant in her own home. Daily life was much the same she waited on Heather and Kim, her stepsisters, and satisfied her stepmothers every whim. Mundane and downright boring, Cinderella had amazingly evolved into a beautiful and charming young woman. Being as meek as a mouse and having a voice as sweet as honey Cinderella was loved by everyone she encountered except her own family, who is envy, leaked from their pores. One dazzling spring morning, Cinderella awoke to a great commotion. ?The prince is having a ball, the prince is having a ball,? Heather screeched and they all squealed with delight. Quietly standing in the shadows Cinderella timidly asked, ?Stepmother may I go to the ball ?Well I suppose, if you get this house immaculately clean and mind... ...s her carriage galloped away. Scouring the countryside the Prince fitted the slipper to every woman he saw but his search seemed fruitless. The last house he came to was a midsize manor in great-disrepair, inside he found four women. Shoving and scratching to go first Heather tried on the slipper, to small. Then Kim tried but her fat feet were much too wide. Next Stepmother insisted she be fitted with the shoe fortunately it was too large. Finally Cinderella got her long awaited turn, she gingerly sat down and tried on the shoe. Perfect fit! Taking her in his arms the Prince proposed and Cinderella accepted. They were married shortly after in a small private ceremony. Cruel and unfair the stepfamily cleaned up after the royal hounds for the rest of their days. As for Cinderella and her prince of course they lived happily ever after.

Identify Marks and Spencers market position and determine why they nearly collapsed :: essays research papers

Identify Marks and Spencers market position and determine why they nearly collapsed Introduction Marks & Spencer is one of the UK's foremost retailers of clothing, foods, homeware and financial services, boasting a weekly customer base of 10 million in over 300 UK stores. Marks & Spencer operate in 30 countries worldwide, and has a group turnover in excess of  £8 billion. It has specific values, missions and visions. It’s main vision is ‘to be the standard against which all others are measured’, it’s main mission is ‘to make aspirational quality accessible to all’, and it’s main values are quality, service, innovation and trust. ( By the end of 1998 though, there was evidence of a crisis occurring. Customers and media pulled together to assist senior management partake in an internal audit to identify the problems and see if they could come to a solution. The purpose of this assignment is to construct a SWOT analysis, highlighting each of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that were highlighted in the internal audit. The SWOT analysis is contained within the marketing plan and is the third step in the marketing planning process, coming after the Marketing audit and before any assumptions. (Joisce, Ted (2002), Marketing Planning Lecture Notes – 14/10/02, Mission, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics) Conclusions will be drawn from the SWOT analysis, which will attempt to review the company’s position and identify the marketing priorities. Also, Marks & Spencer’s recent marketing activities will be critically analysed in order to ascertain what improvements have been made since 1998. This assignment will attempt to determine why Marks & Spencer nearly collapsed and what they have achieved in terms of success and failure as part of their recovery programme. Strategic wear-out occurs when an organisation no longer meets customer needs and the pursued strategy is surpassed by competitors. (Drummond and Ensor, Strategic Marketing Management, p. 149, Butterworth Heinemann) Marks & Spencer is a perfect example of a company that had a successful strategy but failed to adapt to the changing environment and have therefore suffered from ‘strategic wear-out.’ Evidence to support this quote comes in the form of Marks and Spencer sending very little on marketing communications and being overtaken by their competitors, but this will be explained later in the assignment. As Figure 2 shows, strategic wear-out refers to the lack of fit between an organizations strategy and the needs of the marketplace. This was clearly evident with Marks and Spencer when they became complacent about their customer service standards and thought their customers understood what Marks and Spencer stood for without marketing when all along they didn’t.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Freedom Writers Essay

In Long Beach, California, a war is raging. You can’t always see it, but its soldiers know it’s there. You need to go and watch â€Å"Freedom Writers† right this instant. In this heartwarming movie, Hillary Swank plays quirky school teacher Erin Gruwell who, alongside her unsupportive husband (played by Patrick Dempsey) attempts to make history with her class of integration students, played by April Lee Hernandez, Jaclyn Ngan, Armand Jones and many more. The movie plays for 122 minutes of pure joy and raw emotion, where we get to see wonderful changes in the most unlikely people. The film was directed by Richard LaGravanese and released by Paramount Pictures on January 5th, 2007. â€Å"The Freedom Writers† is an emotional drama, filled to the brim with suspense and hope that will leave its viewers in a state of mixed emotion. In the movie, there is a war being fought in Long Beach between the Blacks, Latinas and Asians and it seems irresolvable. On Erin Gruwell’s first day teaching at Wilson High, words are being spat out and fights are erupting, she sees that the students do truly hate each other. She then makes it her mission to teach the students of room 203 about respect, about dignity, and what it will really mean when you fight for â€Å"your own† or die trying. Through Snoop Dog and Tupac, the peppy teacher somehow gets through to her students and learns that each and every one of them has been somehow affected by gangs and gang violence. Throughout freshman and sophomore year, the students of Erin’s English class find themselves respecting her, and respecting each other, which shocks them all. They are taught to write in a diary, which showed them that it doesn’t matter what is read, but what has been written. The school seems to have finally found peace within itself and room 203, but disaster strikes when we find out that Erin is not allowed to teach junior and senior years, and that her students must go on without her. Does this mean that gangs will reconnect? Shootings, will they start back up again? Can the balance of peace really be kept one, very strange, second year teacher? The climax of this film touches the heart and minds of the viewers, and makes the long rising action worth every minute. â€Å"Freedom Writers† takes place in Long Beach, California and is set in 1994-1996. It travels through the treacherous homes of the students, and shows the viewer what it’s really like to live a day like them. The setting sets a dim mood and shows the viewer how poor the kids truly are. It makes the viewer think about how hard life can be, while the plot shows us the harsh truth. The special effects in the film add an edge to what would have otherwise been a very slow film. Sound effects were few and far between, but added an edge where they were placed. A more plentiful effect would be voiceovers, where the students read excerpts from â€Å"The Diary of Anne Frank† and their own personal diaries. It showed the viewer that they were getting a voice, and that they were no longer afraid to speak up. The costumes and lighting reflected the variation of cultures and gangs in Wilson, and enhanced the overall mood of the story. Special effects and elements were very strategically placed in â€Å"Freedom Writers†, they were not sparse enough for the viewer to lost interest, but they were also not overused to enhance a certain concept. In â€Å"Freedom Writers†, there were many actors that played very important parts in making the film so touching and sad. The main character was Erin Gruwell, played by Hillary Swank who does a wonderful job catching the essence of a believer. Swank puts forth a believable performance, where the viewer really thinks that she is feeling some kind of a connection to her students. With great facial expression and the ability to look as if she is holding back fake tears, Hillary Swank makes the viewers feel as if they too can experience such real, hard emotion. Another character that played a key role in the film was named Jamal Hill; who was played by Deance Wyatt. Jamal was a student of room 203, and to the untrained eye, he comes off as your stereotypical gangster who could care less about school and everybody else around him. However, when a racial caricature of Jamal with very large lips circulated through the class, he begins to cry and we see that gangs have almost ruined his life. Later on in the movie, Deance Wyatt reads from his characters diary with such passion and power, saying: â€Å"At sixteen, I’ve seen more bodies than a mortician. Every time I step out my door I face the risk of being shot. To the rest of the world it’s just another dead body on a street corner. They don’t know that he was my friend† The way that Wyatt read these words made them so true, so passionate and it makes the viewer feel that there is a little bit of Jamal in all everybody. These two actors made the movie feel so real and so true; they did an excellent job portraying the true meaning of what it’s like to be a Freedom Writer. The film â€Å"Freedom Writers† has so many different meanings, so many different themes that their interpretations are up to the viewers. Social issues were touched upon making the story extremely controversial and yet somehow important for all teenagers to see. It touches mainly on racial discrimination and how at that school, African-American, Mexican and Asian students in gangs do not get a voice. As Mrs. Gruwell develops relationships with each and every one of her students, she learns that all they truly want is for somebody to hear them, for somebody to remember them if they die. By giving the students their diaries, Erin attempts to get them in touch with who they truly are, and what they do with such a quiet voice shocks her. The movie shows viewers that together, they can move mountains. The viewer will explore touching diary entries, teaching them that everything that is said will make a difference to somebody. It doesn’t matter what is spoken, or what is written, what matters will always be the moments when somebody hears the author. Hears them not by reading what is written, but by understanding that everybody has a story to tell and everybody’s story is important. The viewer will grasp a new found respect for everybody that they meet because, as learned though the movie, everybody has a voice, they just need to learn how to use it. â€Å"Freedom Writers† was a wonderful film and an even better experience for its viewers. It touched upon so many different social issues so that there is something for everybody to relate to making it such a great movie to watch with others. There are so many different interpretations to be made, so this film is recommended for teenagers aged 13-18, because that is the age of the characters along their journey. This was an amazing movie, and everybody that watches it should agree. There is not one possible way that any viewer will not find a character that reminds them of themselves and what they’ve been through, even at a less intense level. Freedom Writers† compares to â€Å"Pay It Forward† and this is because it explores the concept of respecting each other and respecting oneself. The idea of a few people being able to change the world is also explored and well conveyed in each film, making them incredibly relatable and inspirational. The film was touching, and impressively well made. The actors were phenomenal, the effects were catchy and there were many other elements that the viewer will discover on their own. â€Å"Freedom Writers† is recommended to anybody that wants to learn a little bit more about respect, dignity, love and the harsh, cruel world around us.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Battle of Gettysburg and Union

The fight of Gettysburg was the turning fountainhead of the Ameri tail civilian War. This is the much or less famous and important Civil War battle that occurred on July 1st-3rd 1863 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. More significantly Gettysburg was the clash amidst the two major(ip) American Cultures of their time the North and the South. The conspiracy had an agricultural economy producing tobacco, corn, and cotton, with umpteen whacking plantations owned by a a couple of(prenominal) very rich clean-living males. These owners lived rack up the labor of sharecroppers and slaves, charging high dues for use of their land.The gray or henchman Army was make up of a group of white males fighting for their indep abrogateence from federal Federal dictates. The heart economy was based on manufacturing, and even the minorities in the North were expose despatch than those in the South most of the time. The Northern politicians wanted tariffs, and a voluminous army. The Southern plantation owners wanted the guide oppo billet. The South was fighting against a presidency because they thought they were being treated unfair. An synopsis of the meshing of Gettysburg reveals one challenge face up the wedding and the Confederacy was un more everyw presentified taxes and slavery.The difference of opinion began on July 1, 1863. The Battle of Gettysburg began when the Confederate horse ran into the magnetic northeasterly horsemen. Both sides then called for sanctionup. The Confederates back up arrived first they now had in two ways as many men as the nitty-gritty. Soon after Federal oecumenic pot Reynolds arrived, he was shot in the back of the head and killed instantly. They confederates drove the due north south of town. Everyone set up for contest and waited until twenty-four hour periodlight two. The excitement of the encounter began on day two, July 2, 1863. By morning, 150 one thousand Union and Confederate troops had linked at circums tantial Pennsylvania town.The Confederates sedulous a subscriber word of mouth west of the Emmetsburg Road, along the Seminary Ridge. While the Union men waited along cemetery Ridge. The union had an advantage because Cemetery Ridge was a somewhat more elevated. On day two the Union win overall. The following events occured on day two footling refine Top, shake ups hideout, Battle of the Wheatfield, Battle of the bring out Orchard, and the Battle of Cemetery pitchers mound. The number of casualties in the Battle of Gettysburg was enormous compared to any state of state of warfare. The casualties of just day two are the union at 8,750 and the confederate at 6,500. 1 of the major events from day two was the inconveniences Den.It is unique because the Confederate won which was very uncommon. reproofs Den is the name given to a rooftree strewn with large boulders south of the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and near 500 yards west of Little routine Top on the Battle of Gettysburg differencefield. The reservoir of the name is uncertain. On July 2, 1863, the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg, the area around Devils Den aphorism thick fighting as part of usual Robert E. lees wing attacks, when surrogate world(a) James Longstreets Confederate corps attacked the divisions of major everyday Daniel Sickles tercet Corps of the Army of the Potomac.Some 5,500 Confederates from Major widely distri entirelyed John Bell Hoods division ultimately captured Devils Den from 2,400 def annihilateers drawn from Major customary David Bell Birneys division. It was one of the fewer Southern successes in that days fighting. Total casualty estimates are over 800 for the Union, more than 1,800 among the Confederates. (The Devils Den) This event/location is overly significant because Major General John Bell Hood was wounded and was force to yield his command. There were two master(prenominal) locations of the Battle of Gettysburg, they were Littl e and Big plump Top.Little Round squeeze is the smaller of the two. It is rigid amidst Taneytown and Emmetsburg roads. At the time of the scrap it was known locally by dissimilar names including Sugar Loaf. (Little Round Top) Major General Governor K. Warren, chief lead of the Army of the Potomac, rushed troops to Little Round Top they arrived minutes onward the Confederates did. The 20th Maine Regiment roused later(a) in the battle, which foiled a flanking fire by the 15th Alabama. Overall the battle at Little Round top the union won. The final day of battle was on July 3, 1863.Both the Confederates and the Union had their plains of winning the battle. Robert E. lee side from the Confederate side decided they should charge into the center field of the Union line and banish the line into two. When Robert E. Lee decided on the Plan to charge through the middle of the Union line Major General George Pickett knew it would non succeed. He tried to blether Lee out of it, solely Lee instructed Pickett to charge. Major Picket followed these orders. This is known as Picketts Charge. The charge took perplex between Seminary and Cemetery ridges, Gettysburg battlefield, Pennsylvania. (Picketts Charge)While all of this was occurring General Slocum attacked Confederate troops at Culps Hill to regain territory outrage the previous day. This fight detained for a adept 8 hours finally forcing the Confederates to retreat off of Culps Hill. (Gettysburg Day Three) In the end the Union won. Culps Hill was the right-most flank of the fishhook line formed by Union Army troops during the Battle of Gettysburg and saw fighting all three years of the battle. Culps Hill has two travel peaks with a narrow s adjoinle between them.Although heavily wooded and unsuitable for artillery, the principal(prenominal) peak of Culps Hill rises good supra the contact landscape, at a little over 200 feet above the town of Gettysburg and 127 feet higher than Cemetery Hill. W ith Baltimore Pike, small for Union Army supplies and preventing Confederate cast away on Baltimore or Washington, DC, to the east and Confederates near from Rock Creek to the west, Culps Hill was critical to Union strategy. (Culps Hill) The Union had two primary(prenominal) places throughout the three days they were located. Cemetery Hill was the site of Armys weaponry.The hill is north of Cemetery Ridge. The defense of the Union line begins to to turn east to form the fishhook line to Culps Hill. (Cemetery Hill) Cemetery Ridge is slightly two miles long and 40feet above surrounding land. The Confederate Army launched attacked the Union many times at Cemetery Ridge. These attacks took place on day two and three. On each attack they were forced to legislate back on each occasion. On November 19, 1863 Abraham Lincoln gave a famous idiom called The Gettysburg track. The speech was a dedication to the soldiers study Cemetery.Soldiers National Cemetery is a cemetery for Union soldiers killed at the Battle of Gettysburg. The speech is as follows Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new state, conceived in Liberty, and hallowd to the advise that all men are created equal. right away we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and apply, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.It is altogether fitting and appropriate that we should do this. But, in a large sense, we can non dedicate we cannot consecrate we cannot hallow this ground. The chivalrous men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, further above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, prefera bly, to be dedicated here to the undressed work which they who fought here have therefrom far so nobly advanced.It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining in the lead us that from these honored dead we beat increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, chthonian God, shall have a new nativity of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. (Gettysburg approach Text) The actual main speaker of the night was Edward Everett. He intercommunicate for two hours all from memory. Finally, the Battle of Gettysburg was won by the Union.The war didnt end slavery, but instead furthered the advancement in ending slavery. Years after the war in 1865 the 13th amendment was adopted and slavery was then on out illegal. The war was not just close to slavery, but also abou t taxes. The higher taxes came about to the south when Lincoln needed money. entirely in all the Battle of Gettysburg is the bloodiest war and had the most causalities. Works Cited Battle of Gettysburg. compend Facts. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. http//www. historynet. com/battle-of-gettysburg. Cemetery Hill. Gettysburg. N. p. , n. d. Web. 09 Dec. 012. http//www. historynet. com/cemetery-hill. Cemetery Ridge. invoice moolah Where chronicle Comes quick knowledge domain US invoice Online Cemetery Ridge Comments. N. p. , n. d. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. http//www. historynet. com/cemetery-ridge. Culps Hill. storey Net Where explanation Comes Alive humanness US History Online Culps Hill Comments. N. p. , n. d. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. http//www. historynet. com/culps-hill. The Devils Den. History Net Where History Comes Alive manhood US History Online The Devils Den Comments. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. http//www. historynet. om/devils-den-gettysburg. The Gettysburg Address . History Net Where History Comes Alive World US History Online The Gettysburg Address Comments. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. http//www. historynet. com/the-gettysburg-address. Gettysburg Address Text. History Net Where History Comes Alive World US History Online Gettysburg Address Text Comments. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. http//www. historynet. com/gettysburg-address-text. Gettysburg Day Three. Battle of Gettysburg, Gettysburg Battle Summary, Gettysburg Address. N. p. , n. d. Web. 01 Dec. 2012. http//www. ivilwaracademy. com/gettysburg-day-three. html. Little Round Top. Battle Summary Facts. N. p. , n. d. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. http//www. historynet. com/little-round-top. Picketts Charge. Picketts Charge. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. . Samit, Christian G. Battle of Gettysburg Day Two. History Net Where History Comes Alive World US History Online Battle of Gettysburg Day Two Comments. Americas Civil War Magazine, 29 Aug. 2006. Web. 01 Dec. 2012. http//www. historyn et. com/battle-of-gettysburg-day-two. htm.